The wisest home buyers, enter, into the process, in a prepared, well – considered manner, in order to make the best, possible decisions, regarding their home purchase! If one hopes to buy a house, it makes sense to prepare, thoroughly, especially, when it comes to the financial aspects of any transaction, etc. Since one’s house, generally, is their single – biggest, financial asset, doesn’t it make sense, to proceed, with a plan, and a path, to accumulate and SAVE sufficient funds, to make this, often – stressful, period, as tension – free, as possible? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, this strategy, makes sense, and is important.
1. Strategy; solution/ solving; serve; stronger: It takes commitment, discipline, and a willingness to proceed forward, with a financial strategy, to save and accumulate, as many funds, as possible! How can one proceed, with a viable solution, focused towards solving, the financial preparation, needed, when seeking to purchase a home – of – your – home? When, someone has the discipline, to take the steps, to make hims stronger, and better – prepared, doesn’t that serve the most good?
2. Attention; attitude; action plan: Will you pay sufficient attention, to all the necessary details, to make this process, as simple, and stress – free, as possible? Will you let your fears, and negative thoughts, dominate, or will you be smart – enough, to proceed, with a well – considered, positive, can – do, attitude? This process is not a passive one, so, it’s important to consider, the best action plan, to bring you forward, accumulating sufficient funds, for the down – payment, closing costs, necessary reserves, and all other financial necessities, needed, to bring this part of the American Dream, forward, for you!
3. Visions; values; value: Do you personal visions, and dreams, include owning your own home? What type of house, including costs, style, location, needs, and priorities, align with your personal values? Be certain, your plan, makes sense, in terms of overall value, etc!
4. Excellence; enrich; expectations: What does excellence mean to you, in terms of where, you live? Are you, focused, on the best way, to enrich your experiences, and prepare, to minimize stresses and strains, especially financially – related? What are your expectations, in terms of home ownership?
If you hope to buy a house, begin, as soon as possible, to have a well – considered savings plan, and commit to SAVE! Are you up to the task?